dsRAG uses several configuration dictionaries to organize its many parameters. These configs can be passed to different methods of the KnowledgeBase class.
Document Addition Configs
The following configuration dictionaries can be passed to the add_document
AutoContext Config
auto_context_config = {
"use_generated_title": bool, # whether to use an LLM-generated title if no title is provided (default: True)
"document_title_guidance": str, # Additional guidance for generating the document title (default: "")
"get_document_summary": bool, # whether to get a document summary (default: True)
"document_summarization_guidance": str, # Additional guidance for summarizing the document (default: "")
"get_section_summaries": bool, # whether to get section summaries (default: False)
"section_summarization_guidance": str # Additional guidance for summarizing the sections (default: "")
File Parsing Config
file_parsing_config = {
"use_vlm": bool, # whether to use VLM for parsing the file (default: False)
"vlm_config": {
"provider": str, # the VLM provider to use (default: "gemini", "vertex_ai" is also supported)
"model": str, # the VLM model to use (default: "gemini-2.0-flash")
"project_id": str, # GCP project ID (only required for "vertex_ai")
"location": str, # GCP location (only required for "vertex_ai")
"save_path": str, # path to save intermediate files during VLM processing
"exclude_elements": list, # element types to exclude (default: ["Header", "Footer"])
"images_already_exist": bool # whether images are pre-extracted (default: False)
"always_save_page_images": bool # save page images even if VLM is not used (default: False)
Semantic Sectioning Config
semantic_sectioning_config = {
"llm_provider": str, # LLM provider (default: "openai", "anthropic" and "gemini" are also supported)
"model": str, # LLM model to use (default: "gpt-4o-mini")
"use_semantic_sectioning": bool # if False, skip semantic sectioning (default: True)
Chunking Config
chunking_config = {
"chunk_size": int, # maximum characters per chunk (default: 800)
"min_length_for_chunking": int # minimum text length to allow chunking (default: 2000)
Query Config
The following configuration dictionary can be passed to the query
RSE Parameters
rse_params = {
"max_length": int, # maximum segment length in chunks (default: 15)
"overall_max_length": int, # maximum total length of all segments (default: 30)
"minimum_value": float, # minimum relevance value for segments (default: 0.5)
"irrelevant_chunk_penalty": float, # penalty for irrelevant chunks (0-1) (default: 0.18)
"overall_max_length_extension": int, # length increase per additional query (default: 5)
"decay_rate": float, # rate at which relevance decays (default: 30)
"top_k_for_document_selection": int, # maximum number of documents to consider (default: 10)
"chunk_length_adjustment": bool # whether to scale by chunk length (default: True)
Metadata Query Filters
Some vector databases (currently only ChromaDB) support metadata filtering during queries. This allows for more controlled document selection.
Example metadata filter format:
metadata_filter = {
"field": str, # The metadata field to filter by
"operator": str, # One of: 'equals', 'not_equals', 'in', 'not_in',
# 'greater_than', 'less_than', 'greater_than_equals', 'less_than_equals'
"value": str | int | float | list # If list, all items must be same type
Example usage: