The Chat module provides functionality for managing chat-based interactions with knowledge bases. It handles chat thread creation, message history, and generating responses using knowledge base search.
Public Methods
def create_new_chat_thread(chat_thread_params: ChatThreadParams, chat_thread_db: ChatThreadDB) -> str
Create a new chat thread in the database.
- chat_thread_params
: Parameters for the chat thread. Example:
# Knowledge base IDs to use
"kb_ids": ["kb1", "kb2"],
# LLM model to use
"model": "gpt-4o-mini",
# Temperature for LLM sampling
"temperature": 0.2,
# System message for LLM
"system_message": "You are a helpful assistant",
# Model for auto-query generation
"auto_query_model": "gpt-4o-mini",
# Guidance for auto-query generation
"auto_query_guidance": "",
# Target response length (short/medium/long)
"target_output_length": "medium",
# Maximum tokens in chat history
"max_chat_history_tokens": 8000,
# Optional supplementary ID
"supp_id": ""
: Database instance for storing chat threads.
Returns: Unique identifier (str) for the created chat thread.
def get_chat_thread_response(thread_id: str, get_response_input: ChatResponseInput,
chat_thread_db: ChatThreadDB, knowledge_bases: dict)
Get a response for a chat thread using knowledge base search.
- thread_id
: Unique identifier for the chat thread.
- get_response_input
: Input parameters containing:
- user_input
: User's message text
- chat_thread_params
: Optional parameter overrides
- metadata_filter
: Optional search filter
- chat_thread_db
: Database instance for chat threads.
- knowledge_bases
: Dictionary mapping knowledge base IDs to instances.
Returns: Formatted interaction containing:
- user_input
: User message with content and timestamp
- model_response
: Model response with content and timestamp
- search_queries
: Generated search queries
- relevant_segments
: Retrieved relevant segments with file names and types
- message
: Error message if something went wrong (optional)
Chat Types
Type definition for chat thread parameters.
ChatThreadParams = TypedDict('ChatThreadParams', {
'kb_ids': List[str], # List of knowledge base IDs to use
'model': str, # LLM model name (e.g., "gpt-4o-mini")
'temperature': float, # Temperature for LLM sampling (0.0-1.0)
'system_message': str, # Custom system message for LLM
'auto_query_model': str, # Model for generating search queries
'auto_query_guidance': str, # Custom guidance for query generation
'target_output_length': str, # Response length ("short", "medium", "long")
'max_chat_history_tokens': int, # Maximum tokens in chat history
'thread_id': str, # Unique thread identifier (auto-generated)
'supp_id': str, # Optional supplementary identifier
Input parameters for getting a chat response.
ChatResponseInput = TypedDict('ChatResponseInput', {
'user_input': str, # User's message text
'chat_thread_params': Optional[ChatThreadParams], # Optional parameter overrides
'metadata_filter': Optional[MetadataFilter], # Optional search filter
Filter criteria for knowledge base searches.
MetadataFilter = TypedDict('MetadataFilter', {
'field_name': str, # Name of the metadata field to filter on
'field_value': Any, # Value to match against
'comparison_type': str, # Type of comparison ("equals", "contains", etc.)
}, total=False)
You can use these types to ensure type safety when working with the chat functions. For example:
# Create chat thread parameters
params: ChatThreadParams = {
"kb_ids": ["kb1"],
"model": "gpt-4o-mini",
"temperature": 0.2,
"system_message": "You are a helpful assistant",
"auto_query_model": "gpt-4o-mini",
"auto_query_guidance": "",
"target_output_length": "medium",
"max_chat_history_tokens": 8000,
"supp_id": ""
# Create chat response input
response_input: ChatResponseInput = {
"user_input": "What is the capital of France?",
"chat_thread_params": None,
"metadata_filter": None